StreetQuiz: 4×1 billetter til Sole and the Skyrider Band på Stengade
Folk der er til alternativ hiphop kan allerede nu godt begynde at glæde sig til fredag d. 18/11, da Sole, stifteren af det amerikanske independent hiphop-label, Anticon, gæster Danmark. Her vil han sammen med sit band, The Skyrider band, rive taget af Spillestedet Stengade og vise danskerne, hvordan rigtig indie-hiphop lyder. Da Rapspot og DJ Cars10 ikke synes, at nogen skal snydes for at høre manden der har bøffet den med El-p, giver vi fire læsere mulighed for at vinde billetterne til koncerten. Det eneste du skal for at deltage i konkurrencen om billetterne er at svare rigtigt på et spørgsmål.
På Stengades hjemmeside skriver de følgende om Sole and The Skyrider Band:
“Sole and the Skyrider Band formed in Flagstaff, AZ, the summer of 2006. Sole, founder and former member of anticon records, a pioneer of the indie/alternative hip hop movement, teamed up with the Orlando psychedelic trio to explore the idea of a post-rock experimental hip-hop aesthetic. From ’07- ’09, the band toured the globe relentlessly, sharing the stage with bands from all genres of music. In 2008, Skyrider relocated to Los Angeles, where their post-rock sound became informed by its proximity to what would later become the “LA Beat” scene. Around this time, Sole was thoughtfully refining his anarchistic stream of consciousness rants into a tangible modern pop-rap format.
In the summer of 2010, most of the band found themselves living in Denver, CO, where they combined these influences to create a bold new sound that marks a new step for the band. Sole and the Skyrider Band can be described as electronic rap inspired by current movements in gangster rap, progressive electronic and neo-classical music. The band explores a wide range of emotion and composition, from club anthems to dark melodic introspection to cinematic hip-hop.
Their new album Hello Cruel World will be released on Fake Four, Inc. July 19th, 2011.”
Opvarmningen til koncerten, vil Echo Outs egen Illusionisten stå for, så der er ingen tvivl, aftenen bliver independent as fuck!
Vinder du ikke, så fortvivl ej! Billetterne til koncerten koster kun 60 kr. i forsalg og kan købes http://www.stengade.dk/events/sole-the-skyrider-band. Hvis du vælger at købe billetterne i døren, skal du af med 80 bananer.
Hvem er opvarmning for Sole and the Skyrider Band?
Og husk – hip hop skal høres live, yo!
Skrevet af Johnny Lund 14.11.2011 arkiveret under Nyhedsarkiv |